How do I choose moodboards and palettes?

by 18 Dec 2023Graphic Design

“When something feels off, it is.”
Abraham Hicks

Ever walk into a room and instantly feel energized or soothed? That’s the power of design psychology in action. Every element, from colors and textures to layout and light, shapes the emotions we experience in our spaces.

Tap into your inner design guru: Before diving in, ask yourself:

    • What mood does this room evoke right now? Is it uplifting, anxious, calm, or something else entirely?
    • Do you want to change that feeling? If your bedroom feels oppressive, consider rearranging furniture for a more spacious feel.
    • Are textures speaking the right language? Soft, plush fabrics in living areas invite relaxation, while crisp textures in your home office can sharpen focus.
    • Do colors align with your vision? Remember, every hue carries emotional weight. Is that vibrant accent piece energizing your reading nook a little too much?

Embrace your individuality: There’s no “one-size-fits-all” in design. Don’t be afraid to explain your vision! I’m here to help transform your ideas into spaces that resonate deeply.

Balance is key: Even the most daring idea, when thoughtfully executed, can spark incredible emotions. Let’s work together to craft a design that reflects your unique personality and makes you feel amazing, both inside and out.

The magic of feeling, not just choosing: Yes, colors have meanings, but it’s about how they make you feel that truly matters. Just like Abraham Hicks said, “When something feels off, it is.” I trust my intuition when a color feels too vibrant for a relaxation area or too dark for a small space. It’s all about connecting with the emotional impact of design choices.

Design goes beyond materials and colors: It’s about the story your space tells and the emotions it evokes. I’m passionate about guiding you towards the perfect combination of colors, materials, and accessories that bring your ideal space to life, guided by our shared intuition and emotional response.

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s embark on this exciting journey to create a home that reflects your true self and makes you feel amazing!

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